Welcome to the 12-Week Training Plan for Our Journey!

I plan to embark on an adventurous trip from Adelaide Oval to the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) in Melbourne. To prepare for this exciting challenge, I have designed a comprehensive training program. Each week, I'll gradually increase the distances and intensities to replicate the conditions I'll face during the journey. I'll also incorporate rest days and stretching exercises to aid in recovery and flexibility.

I've created a user-friendly table to guide me through my daily training routine. I'll customize the plan according to my fitness level and preferences, and I'll be sure to listen to my body throughout the training process.

I'm looking forward to this incredible adventure and hope this training plan will help me embrace the challenge with confidence. I can't wait to enjoy the journey, witness breathtaking landscapes, and create amazing memories along the way. Here's to safe travels and happy training!

GR's Training Plan

GR's Training Plan

Date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total Distance (Km)
Week 1 Rest 5km Run COMPLETED 1hr 20km run COMPLETED 3hrs 30mins 46km cycling COMPLETED 2hrs 46mins 13km Run COMPLETED 2hrs 26mins 45-minute Yoga/Pilates 20km Run COMPLETED 3hrs 104km
Week 2 15km Run COMPLETED 2hrs 30mins 50km cycling COMPLETED 2hrs 30mins 25km jog/run COMPLETED 3hrs 30mins Rest 63km cycle COMPLETED 3hrs 30mins Rest 30km run COMPLETED 4hrs 30mins 183km
Week 3 Rest 66km Cycling COMPLETED 3hrs 30mins Rest Rest 32km Run COMPLETED 3hrs 19mins Rest Rest 98km
Week 4 Rest Rest Rest Rest 21km run COMPLETED 2hrs 30mins 60km cycling COMPLETED 3hrs 21.54km run COMPLETED 102km
Week 5 Rest Rest Rest 70.22km cycling COMPLETED 3hrs 43mins Rest 10km Run COMPLETED 1hr 13km Mountain Run COMPLETED 2hrs 9mins 93.22km
September Week 6 Rest Rest 48.63km cycling COMPLETED 2hrs 30mins Rest 10km Run COMPLETED 59mins 18s Rest 20.80km Run COMPLETED 3hrs 52mins 79.43km
Week 7 Rest 7km Run COMPLETED 44mins 10s Rest Rest 21.01km Run COMPLETED 2hrs 46s 60.55km cycling COMPLETED 3hrs 33mins 6.16km Run COMPLETED 37m 18s 94km
Week 8 54.4km Run COMPLETED 7hrs 26mins Rest (stretching) Rest (stretching) 10km Run/Walk + 20km Cycle (stretching) COMPLETED 10km Run/Walk + 20km Cycle (stretching) COMPLETED 10km Run/Walk + 20km Cycle (stretching) COMPLETED Rest (stretching) COMPLETED 144km
Week 9 15km Run/Walk + 30km Cycle (stretching) COMPLETED Rest (stretching) 4km Cycle (shoes and pedal test) 17km run (stretching) COMPLETED Rest (stretching) Rest (stretching) 42.67km Cycle (stretching) COMPLETED 5km run (stretching) COMPLETED 66km
Week 10 Rest (stretching) Rest (stretching) 25km run (stretching) COMPLETED 37km Cycle (stretching) COMPLETED 16km run (stretching) COMPLETED Rest (stretching) 100km cycle + 25km run (stretching) COMPLETED 203km
Week 11 Rest (stretching) 10km run (stretching) COMPLETED Rest (stretching) 17km run (stretching) COMPLETED 100km cycle 100km cycle 100km cycle
Week 12 (Taper Week) 5km Run 10km cycling Rest (stretching) 10km Run Rest (stretching) Rest (stretching) Rest (stretching)

Stretching and Recovery:

After each workout, I'll make sure to incorporate some stretching exercises. It's essential to improve flexibility and prevent any potential injuries. I'll focus on major muscle groups like calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors, and lower back. Each stretch will be held for at least 30 seconds to really get the benefits.


To improve my overall fitness and reduce the risk of overuse injuries, I'll be doing some cross-training. I'm thinking of activities like swimming, cycling, yoga, or Pilates. By engaging different muscle groups, it'll also give my walking and cycling muscles a chance to recover.

Nutrition and Hydration:

I'll be paying close attention to my diet to ensure I'm getting enough nutrients and calories to fuel my training. Staying hydrated is crucial, so I'll be making sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially during workouts.

Rest and Recovery:

Rest and recovery are so important. I'll be making sure to get enough sleep and incorporating rest days into my training schedule. This will allow my body to repair and become stronger.

As the trip gets closer, I'm planning to do some longer walks or cycling sessions on weekends. This way, I can simulate the conditions I'll face during my journey. Of course, I'll always be listening to my body and if I experience any pain or discomfort, I won't hesitate to consult a healthcare professional.

Remember, this is just a general outline. I'll be personalizing my training plan based on my current fitness level and any specific needs or restrictions I might have. I'm really looking forward to the training process and, most importantly, having an amazing journey ahead!